Tactics (タクティクス Takutikusu) is a Japanese manga series collaborated between Sakura Kinoshita and Kazuko Higashiyama. It was serialized in Comic Blade Masamune. Kinoshita supplied the character “Kantarou,” and Higashiyama supplied the character “Haruka.” The manga was first released in North America by ADV Manga in 2004. Afterwards, the US license was transferred to Tokyopop, who have released 8 volumes so far.
The animation studio Studio Deenadapted the Tactics manga into a 25-episode anime series, which ran on Japanese television from October 5, 2004 to March 29, 2005. The English dub of the anime is distributed by Manga Entertainment in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.
The Scifi Channelbegan airing Tactics as part of itsAny Mondayprogramming block on January 7, 2008 at 23:00 Eastern Standart Time, the final episode aired on April 21, 2008.
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